My daughter Anna, now 22, just restarted Ginkgo supplements (gummies) after more than a week after we ran out. On Jan 23rd 2023 (about 3 weeks ago) I posted my daughter, who isn't initiating new word with any frequency outside those I'm still teaching her, which still flabbergast me what she doesn't know - most words other than those we use with some frequency she has never picked up or half of what they mean - I'll have to do a post about this some time, but it's stunning how abnormal very affected autistic people's brains are working - hers anyway - I'm pretty sure I have high functioning autism but could pick up new words, not so for her, unless I'm doing ABM lessons with her which I haven't done more than a few all years. However during a discussion on Feb 14th evening about whether she had urgency to use the bathroom recently because I just had (I won't go into detalls as that's a bit "TMI") she said she had and I remember her saying "I had to skidaddle to the toilet/ bathroom [or to use the bathroom/toilet]" - I can't remember the end of the sentence exactly, the prior day because of also needing to use the bathroom/toilet urgently. The key was her suddently adopting and using the verb "skidaddle" after rarely using a new verb neither I nor anyone in our family who she interacts with at this point ever uses, out of the blue. As in the prior post, she didn't even notice she had used a new verb, which I assume she heard modeled in use by a prior Son-Rise playroom staff I hired/trained, by a video on youtube, or a Seinfeld show which she watches with us as a family and which she laughs periodically with great delight at the silly physical humor and delivery of some lines she understands.
I suspect the combination of the Citicoline and Ginkgo supplements are possibly prompting this apparently spontanteous recovery that is not so spontaneous as to its impetus and origins. I also suspect both may be required daily to generate this mental improvement as this is what I've seen (details below).
Back several weeks ago when I did the last post, Anna was taking both Citicoline (not a typo), a form of choline that can convert to Choline itself and then Betaine to help the liver pathway, good for those with heavy metals or other poisoning or viral issues, or the brain pathway - I think into phosphatidyl choline or "PC", good for people with brain issues like dementia and perhaps - I'm positing - autism, plus a Ginkgo gummy - good to increase circulation in the brain - to help prevent/improve dementia or help cleanse the brain of contaminants as are suspected in contributing to autism. The Ginkgo she started taking near the beginning of December and Citicoline she started taking at the beginning of January, which makes me think if only one were more effective and I didn't notice a big burst of improvement during December, perhaps the Ginkgo wasn't as effective as the one we started few weeks before we saw that sudden burst of new language the third week of January when we started Citicoline. On the other hand, when we ran out of Ginkgo several weeks ago not long after that burst of language, around two weeks ago, based on my reordering at least a week after the Ginkgo ran out on Feb 9th, which she only restarted taking after it was delivered this past Sunday the 11th which we may not have started until the next day, Monday the 12th, two days before she started saying a new verb yesterday on Feb 14th, my daughter continued taking Citicoline daily for those interim several weeks plus or minus up to a week without any spontaneous use of new verbs, which would be consistent with the Citicoline not working. A better conclusion might be that both supplements work together synergistically or at least additively enough to produce a spontaneous recovery in an improvement that is at once small but significant compared with prior spontaneous adoption of language - particularly use of verbs, verb tenses and time terms which she's really stuck on now and has been for years.
I'll post more as I figure out if these supplements continue to help. Thank you for reading! : )
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