I asked my autistic adult daughter, Anna, to click on various icons and commands to back up my computer via external hard drive, as usual. After the backup had finished, I asked her to click on "eject" to prepare to remove my backup external hard drive from my computer. She had done so but it was not responding, so I said, "Try again", then had to repeat that several times, which she did, but each time as she paused, we saw together that it didn't work. As it continued to not respond to her mouse clicks, I stated the obvious, "I'm having problems with my computer."
Anna said, "That's a shame".
Later she said, "That's such a shame that your track pad mouse thing is broken".
She has never used those terms to my knowledge in her life, and likely never attempted to do so as the result of prompting, and it's an expression noone in our house uses, so this is a spontaneous expression of new language skills.
As I mentioned in a prior post, Anna continues to take citicoline and fish oil (omega 3's) but her ginkgo is out of stock, so her spontaneous emergence of never-before-used expressions is way down in frequency as I wait for them to be available again on amazon, but as you can see here, she still has new expressions about every month, which is way high for an autistic person but obviously low for normal kids. We're grateful that her development speed as upticked after being at a crawl or nearly flatline in the last few years.
Also, it matters the things I continue to do with Anna, including continuing to learn DuoLingo Chinese (we're at around 900 days straight) and ABM-like and cognitive coaching, such as I had her make the multiplication tables up to 12 twice and she got way better the second time - this week, plus having her write sentences in various ways to describe the same thing, which we did today. It all contributes, but her development speed really went up after the started taking supplements (yes, I'm having some of them, too). I'll keep you posted!
Thanks for reading! contact me if you have questions.
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